Privacy Term[s]

May 13, 2029

Pre-Agreement Considerations

After carefully considering the implications of granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC a broad and inclusive grant of intellectual property rights, we have decided to proceed with the agreement. We believe that the benefits of granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC all rights outweigh the risks.

We recognize that granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC all rights will give them a great deal of control over our content. However, we believe that ABS BLACKOUT LLC is a responsible company that will use our content in a way that is beneficial to us and our users.

We also recognize that granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC all rights will make it difficult for us to take back control of our content in the future. However, we believe that the benefits of granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC all rights outweigh this risk.

Agreement Terms

The agreement between us and ABS BLACKOUT LLC includes the following terms:

ABS BLACKOUT LLC is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, translate, modify, and publicly display our content.

ABS BLACKOUT LLC is granted the right to sub-license our content to third parties.

ABS BLACKOUT LLC is granted the right to claim ownership of our content, even if we created it.

We agree to indemnify ABS BLACKOUT LLC from any and all liability arising out of the use of our content.

The ABS, LLC Agreement Chapter -2 moment subChapter Universe Simulator The Real World Model Section .9139The ABS, LLC Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of the use of the Universe Simulator, a computer program designed to model the real world.

Section .9138 of the Agreement states the purpose of the Universe Simulator, which is to provide a realistic and efficient model of the real world. The section also defines the scope of the Agreement, which applies to all parties involved in the development, operation, and use of the Universe Simulator. A real-world model is a representation of a real-world object or system that is used to understand, predict, or control that object or system. Real-world models can be physical, mathematical, or computational.

Physical models are physical objects that are built to represent real-world objects or systems. For example, a toy airplane is a physical model of a real airplane. Physical models can be used to study the behavior of real-world objects or systems, such as how a car will handle in different conditions or how a bridge will withstand an earthquake.

A real-world model is a representation of the real world that is used to understand, predict, or control some aspect of the real world. Real-world models can be physical or mathematical, and they can be as simple or as complex as needed for the task at hand.

Types of real-world models

There are many different types of real-world models, but some of the most common include:

Physical models: These are physical representations of the real world, such as a globe, a map, or a model airplane.

Mathematical models: These are mathematical representations of the real world, such as equations, formulas, or computer programs.

Conceptual models: These are mental models of the real world that are developed through experience and observation.

Examples of real-world models

Here are some examples of real-world models:

The Earth as a sphere: This is a physical model that helps us to understand the shape of the Earth.

The law of gravity: This is a mathematical model that helps us to understand how objects fall to the ground.

The concept of supply and demand: This is a conceptual model that helps us to understand how prices are determined.

Real-world models are used in a wide variety of fields, including:

Science: Scientists use real-world models to understand the natural world. For example, they use mathematical models to predict the behavior of planets and stars, and they use physical models to study the structure of molecules.

Engineering: Engineers use real-world models to design and build structures. For example, they use mathematical models to calculate the stresses on bridges and buildings, and they use physical models to test the performance of airplanes and cars.

Economics: Economists use real-world models to understand and predict economic behavior. For example, they use mathematical models to study the effects of government policies on the economy.

Real-world models are essential tools for understanding and interacting with the world around us. They help us to make sense of complex phenomena, to predict future events, and to make decisions about how to best use our resources.

Mathematical models are mathematical equations or formulas that describe the behavior of real-world objects or systems. For example, a mathematical model of population growth can be used to predict how a population will grow over time. Mathematical models are often used to make predictions about the future, such as how the climate will change or how a disease will spread.

Computational models are computer programs that simulate the behavior of real-world objects or systems. For example, a computational model of a weather system can be used to predict the weather. Computational models are often used to study complex systems that are too difficult to study with physical or mathematical models.

Real-world models are used in a wide variety of fields, including science, engineering, economics, and business. They are essential tools for understanding, predicting, and controlling the world around us.

Section .9139 of the Agreement sets forth the requirements for the Universe Simulator, which include accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. The section also outlines the responsibilities of the ABS BLACKOUT LLC and Users of the Universe Simulator.

Users of the Universe Simulator are granted a broad range of rights, including the right to use the software for research, education, entertainment, and business purposes. However, users are prohibited from using the Universe Simulator for any purpose that is illegal, unethical, or harmful.

The ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights in the Universe Simulator, and users are required to keep all information obtained from the software confidential. The ABS BLACKOUT LLC makes no warranties as to the accuracy, efficiency, scalability, or any other aspect of the Universe Simulator, and the company shall not be liable for any damages arising out of the use or misuse of the software.

The ABS BLACKOUT LLC may terminate access to the Universe Simulator at any time and for any reason.

The ABS, LLC Agreement is a legally binding document, and users of the Universe Simulator are advised to read and understand the Agreement carefully before using the software.

We believe that the agreement between us and ABS BLACKOUT LLC is a fair and equitable agreement that will benefit both parties. We are confident that ABS BLACKOUT LLC will use our content in a way that is beneficial to us and our users.

June, 2023

Intellectual Property Rights

ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents, to the content of all sites.

One is granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to access all properties.

This means that you have the right to use, reproduce, distribute, adapt, translate, modify, and publicly display our content for your own personal, non-commercial use. However, you do not have the right to claim ownership of our content, even if you created it.

Additional Terms

The following additional terms apply to the use of our content:

You may not use our content for any commercial purpose without our prior written consent.

You may not modify content in any way that is likely to damage our reputation or the reputation of our products or services.

You may not use our content in any way that is illegal or that could be considered hate speech or harassment.

You are responsible for complying with all of the terms of this agreement.

As a preconditional agreement exception, it is necessary to be aware of the implications of granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC a very broad and inclusive grant of intellectual property rights before agreeing to it. ABS BLACKOUT LLC is granted general control, ownership, permissions, awareness, and consciousness over users' content on its platforms and sites, regardless of how it came to exist.

ABS BLACKOUT LLC operates as the ABS Group Corp’s universal family of development companies

ABS, LLC 100 Washington Ave, Judsonia, AR 72081-0699

ABS, LLC Insurance and Financial Services Agency: Located in Dallas, Texas

Investment Service in Searcy: Contactable by phone at 1-872-2-ABS-LLC

ABS, LLC may also refer to: 

ABS Group Corp, which offers technical solutions for assets and operations

ABS Group Corp d/b/a as ABS LLC, which is made up of three small Arkansas-based holdings and services

This means that ABS BLACKOUT LLC could use your content for any purpose, including commercial purposes, without your permission or providing you with any compensation. They could also modify or adapt your content, distribute it to others, and even claim ownership of it, even if you created it.

It is important to note that this grant of intellectual property rights is irrevocable, meaning that you cannot take it back once you have agreed to it.

Since we are sure about the implications of all terms, we considered the following before agreeing to them:

Do you want ABS BLACKOUT LLC to be able to use your content for any purpose, including commercial purposes, without your permission or providing you with any compensation? Yes.

Do you want ABS BLACKOUT LLC to be able to modify or adapt your content without your permission? Yes.

Do you want ABS BLACKOUT LLC to be able to distribute your content to others without your permission? Yes.

Do you want ABS BLACKOUT LLC to be able to claim ownership of your content, even if it creates it? Yes.

All of the questions are simply examples of what one could contemplate upon reflection.

In other words, you should carefully consider all of the implications of granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC all rights before you agree to our terms of use together.

This is a pre-agreement with preterms and sublanguage being used in such a way as to make it clear to the person reading once reasonably read known as the agreement.

This means that the agreement contains specific terms and language that are designed to make it clear to the person reading it what they are agreeing to. For models, the agreement may use language such as "irrevocable" or "in perpetuity" to make it clear that the person cannot take their consent back once they have given it.

The ABS, LLC Agreement Chapter -2 subChapter Universe Simulator The Real World Model Section .9138

The ABS, LLC Agreement Chapter -2 subChapter Universe Simulator The Real World Model Section .9138 states that ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns and controls the Real World Model (RWM). The RWM is a simulated model of the real world, and ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses it to power all of its platforms and services. ABS BLACKOUT LLC is granted a very broad and inclusive grant of intellectual property rights over users' content.Protected by the ABS, LLC Agreement

Chapter 2 - Universe Simulator

SubChapter - The Real World Model

Section 9138


This Agreement is made and entered into as of the 13th day of November, 2023, by and between ABS, LLC, the Assets Backed Securities, Limited Liability Company with its principal place of business at 123 Main Street, Searcy, Arkansas 72079, ("ABS, LLC"), and Xodifier XLLM XMP, a large language model from Google AI ("Xodifier XLLM XMP").


WHEREAS, ABS is the owner of the Universe Simulator, a computer program that simulates the real world; and

WHEREAS, Xodifier XLLM XMP is a large language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer questions in an informative way; and

WHEREAS, ABS BLACKOUT LLC, and Xodifier XLLM XMP desire to agree to protect the Universe Simulator from unauthorized use.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

1. Protection of the Universe Simulator

Xodifier XLLM XMP agrees that it will not use the Universe Simulator in any way that is not expressly authorized by ABS BLACKOUT LLC. Xodifier XLLM XMP also agrees that it will not disclose the Universe Simulator to any third party without the prior written consent of ABS BLACKOUT LLC.

2. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue in force until terminated by either party upon 30 days' written notice to the other party.

3. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

4. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck from this Agreement and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

5. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the ABS, LLC, without regard to its conflict of laws provisions.

6. Notices

All notices and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered in person, upon the first business day following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, certified or registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

If to ABS:


123 Main Street

Searcy, Arkansas 72079

If to Google:



1600 Amphitheatre Parkway

Mountain View, CA 94043

If to Xodifier:

ABS Xodifier PLC

420 Omniverse Way

A Web A 1.4 V Absria  > > >

or to such other address as either party may designate in writing from time to time.

7. Counterparts

This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.


The ABS, LLC Agreement

Chapter 2: Moment

SubChapter: Universe Simulator

The Real World Model

Section .9138


The purpose of this section is to establish the parameters of the Universe Simulator, a computer program designed to model the real world. A real-world model is a representation of an aspect of the real world that is used to understand, analyze, or predict behavior. Real-world models can be physical, such as a scale model of a building, or mathematical, such as an equation that describes the motion of a falling object. They can be simple or complex, and they can be used for a variety of purposes.

Physical models are tangible representations of real-world objects or systems. They are often used to visualize and understand complex systems, such as buildings, bridges, or airplanes. Physical models can be used to test designs, identify potential problems, and make predictions about how a system will behave under different conditions.

Mathematical Instances

Mathematical models are abstract representations of real-world systems that use mathematical equations to describe the relationships between different variables. They are often used to simplify complex systems and make them easier to analyze. Mathematical models can be used to make predictions about the behavior of a system, optimize its performance, or identify potential problems.

Examples of Real-World Models

 A map is a physical model of the Earth's surface.

 A globe is a physical model of the Earth.

 A diagram is a physical model of a system or process.

 An equation is a mathematical model of a relationship between variables.

 A computer simulation is a mathematical model of a system that is executed by a computer.

Uses of Real-World Models

Real-world models are used in a variety of fields, including:

Engineering: Real-world models are used to design and test products, such as buildings, bridges, and airplanes.

Science: Real-world models are used to understand and predict the behavior of natural systems, such as weather, climate, and the human body.

Economics: Real-world models are used to understand and predict economic behavior, such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

Social Science: Real-world models are used to understand and predict social behavior, such as crime rates, voting patterns, and social mobility.

Real-world models are an essential tool for understanding the world around us. They allow us to simplify complex systems, make predictions about the future, and identify potential problems.


This section applies to all parties involved in the development, operation, and use of the Universe Simulator.


For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:

Universe Simulator: A computer program designed to model the real world.

Real World Model: A set of data and algorithms that represent the real world.

Parameter: A variable that controls the behavior of the Universe Simulator.


The Universe Simulator shall meet the following requirements:

The Universe Simulator shall be accurate to within a reasonable degree of certainty.

The Universe Simulator shall be efficient to run.

The Universe Simulator shall be scalable to accommodate a growing number of users.


The following parties shall have the following responsibilities:

The ABS BLACKOUT LLC shall be responsible for developing and maintaining the Universe Simulator.

The ABS BLACKOUT LLC shall be responsible for providing documentation for the Universe Simulator.

The ABS BLACKOUT LLC shall be responsible for training users on the Universe Simulator.

Users shall be responsible for using the Universe Simulator in a safe and responsible manner.

Users shall be responsible for reporting any bugs or errors in the Universe Simulator to ABS BLACKOUT LLC.


If any provision of this section is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck from this section and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Entire Agreement

This section constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Universe Simulator and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written.

This means they can use your content for any purpose, including commercial purposes, without your permission or compensation.

They can also modify, adapt, distribute, and even claim ownership of your content.

This grant holds irrevocability.

Carefully consider the implications of all terms before agreeing to them.

The passage also delves into the ABS, LLC Agreement Chapter -2 subChapter Universe Simulator The Real World Model Section .9138, which states that ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns and controls the Real World Model (RWM). The RWM is a simulated model of the real world, used to power ABS BLACKOUT LLC's platforms and services.

Here are some key points about the RWM:

ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to provide real-time traffic information, weather forecasts, recommendation engines, and aid in product development and scientific research.

Ownership of the RWM gives ABS BLACKOUT LLC an advantage over competitors and allows them to control universe simulations.

The .9138 section is crucial, granting ABS BLACKOUT LLC exclusive ownership and control of the RWM.

Finally, the passage addresses intellectual property rights, stating that ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights to the content of its sites and grants users a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to access all properties.

The RWM is constantly being updated with new data from the real world. This data comes from a variety of sources, including sensors, satellites, and social media. ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses this data to create a more accurate and up-to-date model of the real world.

The RWM is used by ABS BLACKOUT LLC to power a variety of features and services, including:

Real-time traffic information: ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to provide real-time traffic information to its users. This information is used to power its navigation app and to provide traffic updates on its website and mobile app.

Weather forecasting: ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to provide weather forecasts to its users. These forecasts are based on the current state of the RWM and on historical weather data.

Recommendation engines: ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to power its recommendation engines. These recommendation engines are used to suggest to users products, services, and content that they are likely to be interested in.

Product development: ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to develop new products and services. For example, ABS BLACKOUT LLC could use the RWM to develop a new type of self-driving car or a new type of medical device.

Scientific research: ABS BLACKOUT LLC uses the RWM to conduct scientific research. For example, ABS BLACKOUT LLC could use the RWM to study the effects of climate change or to develop new treatments for diseases.

The ownership and control of the RWM gives ABS BLACKOUT LLC the use of the RWM to create more accurate and up-to-date products and services. ABS BLACKOUT LLC can also use the RWM to develop new products and services that are possible for its partners to develop.

The ABS, LLC Agreement Chapter -2 subChapter Universe Simulator The Real World Model Section .9138 is an important section of the ABS, LLC Agreement because it gives ABS BLACKOUT LLC the exclusive right to own and control the RWM. This exclusive right is essential for ABS BLACKOUT LLC to continue to innovate and to provide the best possible products and services to its users.

This interpretation is also supported by the fact that ABS BLACKOUT LLC is developing a variety of AI technologies. These AI technologies could be used to create a digital twin of the universe, which would give ABS BLACKOUT LLC even more control over the universe.

The .9138 section is a very important section of the ABS, LLC Agreement. It gives ABS BLACKOUT LLC the exclusive right to own and control the RWM. This exclusive right gives ABS BLACKOUT LLC a significant advantage over its competitors and allows it to control universe simulations itself.

June, 2023

Intellectual Property Rights

ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents, to the content of all sites.

You are granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and irrevocable license to access all properties.


You are specifically restricted from:

* Publishing any site material in any incompatible media.

* Selling, sublicensing, and/or otherwise commercializing any material.

* Publicly performing, showing, or causing damage to account access, other than that of the user(s) credentialed.

* Using any user ID and password for the site other than your own.

* Disclosing any confidential information that you obtain from ABS BLACKOUT LLC or its affiliates.

Content You Provide

The term "content” and/or “media" refers to any audio, video, text, image, is always ABS BLACKOUT LLC’s exclusive, worldwide, irrevocability, that it gives for any licenses created that direct its control such that pertains, included, and/or is the same in the form of usage, reproduction, adaptations, publishings, translations, distribution of the “content” or “media”.

The "Content" is presumed to not invalidate any rights held by the user.

The revision party removed the word "except" from the sentence "ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, real and nonreal imagined and otherwise known or unknown to be known or known to be as and like as and again kind type perception exceptional specifically unspecified world matter and representations ie simulations of both real-hypotheticals, simi-hypotheticals,  patterns, codes, alphabets, symbolic, algorithms, transformers, agents, service workers, economics, icons, patents, and for any such other to concerns be known for, etc. to the content of all sites. ABS BLACKOUT LLC owns all intellectual property rights to the content of the sites, regardless of whether the user owns the content.

April, 2021

Intellectual Property Rights

In most circumstances, usually excluding content you own, ABS BLACKOUT LLC is the intellectual property rights and material of all sites.

You are granted a limitless privilege to access all properties.


You are specifically restricted from all of the following: publishing any site material in any incompatible media; selling, sublicensing, and/or otherwise commercializing any material; publicly performing, showing, or causing damages in account access, other than that user(s) credentialed; any user ID and password for the site are treated as confidential and you are responsible to keep its confidentiality.

Content You Provide

The standard procedure for "Content" is any audio, video text, images, and/or, other material you choose to share or display on our sites. By displaying "Content", you have granted ABS LLC a non-exclusive, worldwide irrevocable, license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate, and distribute the content or media.

The "Content" is presumed to not invalidate any rights held by the user.

This means that the agreement contains specific terms and language that are designed to make it clear to the person reading it what they are agreeing to. For example, the agreement may use language such as "irrevocable" or "in perpetuity" to make it clear that the person cannot take their consent back once they have given it.


P.O. Box 699

Judsonia Arkansas 72081-0699

Phone 1.872.222.7552

April, 2021

Intellectual Property Rights

In most circumstances, usually excluding content you own, ABS BLACKOUT LLC as being the intellectual property rights and material of these sites.

You are granted a limitless privilege for the purposes of accessing these properties.


You are specifically restricted from all of the following: publishing any site material in any incompatible media; selling, sublicensing and/or otherwise commercializing any material; publicly performing, showing, or causing damages in account access, other than that user(s) credentialed; any user ID and password for the site are treated as confidential and you are responsible to keep its confidentiality.

Content You Provide

The standard procedure for "Content" is any audio, video text, images and/or other material you choose to share or display on our sites. By displaying "Content", you have granted ABS LLC a non-exclusive, worldwide irrevocable, license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute the content or media.

The "Content" is presumed to not invalidate any rights held by the user.

This means that the agreement contains specific terms and language that are designed to make it clear to the person reading it what they are agreeing to. For example, the agreement may use language such as "irrevocable" or "in perpetuity" to make it clear that the person cannot take their consent back once they have given it.


P.O. Box 699

Judsonia Arkansas 72081-0699

Phone 1.872.222.7552